Consultancy Areas:  Mentor and Supervisor  |  Academic and Publications  |  Community Theatre  |  Sociodrama

Mentor and Supervisor

  • A long history of training and consultancy work

Dr. Wiener has been working with Social Business Group’s leadership as well as middle management executives on role development, team building and organisational design issues for over 18 months and we are very impressed with the depth of his knowledge and experience and the profound relevance of his approach to the complex and turbulent business landscape SBG operates in.
- Stephen Fitzpatrick, Strategy Director

Athena commissioned Ron to facilitate an associate recruitment day for my business. He is an exceptional intuitive and immensely creative facilitator who energizes a group to engage with their full individual potential. I would not hesitate to recommend him and know you can always be confident that he will give you something different, fun and guaranteed laughter.
- Sarah Goodall, Managing Director, The Athena Programme

  • Specialist in team building

Thank you so much for bringing your customary skill, skill, humour and aplomb to the day – a master at work. I felt that the team building aim really was met, along with some specific informational stuff that you spotted they needed.
- Nick Nuttgens

  • Mentor and Coach

Over the past 15 years you have had a significant influence on my thinking and practice that I value highly. I have really appreciated your wisdom, challenge and affirmation.
- Christine Ash, Staff and Workforce Development manager

Ron supervised me for over 2 years. He was always reliable, helpful and supportive. He challenged me to look at things in different ways in a robust way which enabled me to develop as a practitioner, supervisor and trainer. I recommend him to you if you want to work with someone who is a creative, knowledgeable and highly skilled supervisor/mentor.
- Dr. Annie Huntington

Ron's a really great mentor and has been committed to the development of my project and my role as a director from the beginning. He communicates his value for me and the work simply and consistently with two basic directives that I keep with me at all times, "Keep being who you are" and "Keep doing what you do". And on top of that he brings a wealth of experience and skill to the table that he freely shares. I trust and respect him immensely.
- Dr. Linda Richmond is a Psychologist and the Director of Acting for Change.